This widow was introduced to me last year shortly after her husband’s death. 5 children and school fees to be paid. Because she lives in Enugu and therefore outside our catchment area, I supported personally and not from the Foundation. This year, she was heavily on my mind because children go back to school in January. I sent her some money, again from my personal account. The burden to speak to her was so heavy that after my night worship on Mon the 17th, I called her nearly at 1am. She started to thank me for what I sent but that wasn’t my reason for the call.
I asked her specific questions about each of her 5 children and discovered that she needed about 200k to settle school fees. She sincerely thanked me for calling her which was indicative of the fact that someone actually cared about her. She did not make any requests of me. I couldn’t sleep that night. Does anyone remember the king in the book of Esther who couldn’t sleep? On Tue the 18th, I sent WhatsApp messages to 9 people asking for help to raise this money. Within 48hrs, I got 143k from 5 of the 9 people I contacted. I called this lady and told her that I’d raised 200k for her children. She was in shock!!
Then she told me that the night I called her, she was almost losing her mind. She had messaged 2 family friends and received no response. She eventually cried herself to sleep before my call woke her up. Needless to say that God heard her cry and answered her prayers. Even this morning, more money came from 2 more of the 9. She received more than she needed to settle her children. 7 people were moved by the plea.
Lessons learned.
1. Do not put your hope in man.
2. There are still some good people out there.
Blessings .