On my mind is the childless Aguleri widow

On my mind is the childless Aguleri widow who was stripped naked and paraded on the streets for allegedly killing her husband 😭😭😭.This young lady lost her young husband and they are childless. Did those her accusers ever imagine the pain that she’d be going through knowing that her dreams of ever giving the husband of her youth children can no longer materialise? Did they even wonder how she was going to deal with this loss?

This barbaric act goes to further highlight the fact that Widows need a system in place where they can access justice for the injustice meted to them. These perpetrators know that she is voiceless. But I have news for them, God will give her and other oppressed widows a voice. Even if peradventure she was an adultress, are her accusers blameless? Should they have ‘cast the 1st stone? It is our responsibility, all of us, to stand up and condemn such barbaric acts against the downtrodden of our society. Let us break the bias.

Joyfulwidows foundation

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